When I think of card games, I think of the classics like Uno or Crazy Eights. Although, there are also games like Cards Against Humanity and What Do You Meme?. I see those more as party games as they aren’t necessarily games I would play with my family. That being said, Apples to Apples is a PG version of Cards Against Humanity that I have played with my family.
I personally prefer board games over card games, but I love playing card games as well. The benefit of card games is they tend to be cheaper (depending on the size and the popularity of course), they don’t take up as much space, and quite a few of them can be as long or as short as one wants. I also enjoy the fact that a person can simply go buy a deck of cards and have a ton of different games they can play.
Single Player Card Games (Regular Deck):
The most popular one, at least in North America, has to be solitaire. The rules are fairly simple. You create seven plies. The first pile will only have one card, face up, the next pile, has one card face down, and one card on top of that face up, the third pile will have two cards face down and one card face up. You continue that process until all seven piles are complete - with the seventh pile having six cards face down and one face up. You then have four piles, called foundations, which you build up from Ace to King by suit. For example, you will have the Ace of Hearts, then the two of hearts, and continue until, finally, the king of hearts is on top. The goal of the game is to complete all four foundation piles. Single player card games are enjoyable ways to pass the time.
Multiplayer Card Games (Regular Deck):
There are way too many regular deck multiplayer card games to even attempt to say which is the most popular. I believe it depends from person to person on what makes a multiplayer card game fun. For me, personally, it is the combination of the competition itself and the fact that I get to spend quality time with people I love. A great card game that I did not learn until I met my step-mother, is what her family calls Nuts. I believe it is known by many other names, but it is extremely enjoyable as well. It’s extremely similar to solitaire, except you play it with at least three players. To play, a pile of eleven cards is created, with the eleventh card being turned face up. You then have four cards that you place face up in four separate piles right beside your deck. You try to build up foundation piles in the middle of the play area, beginning with Aces. Anyone can play in the play area on anyone else’s cards.
Party Games (Regular Deck):
The one party (in this case, drinking) game that is well known to me and many others in Canada is Sociables. Sociables is where you take a deck of cards and spread them face down on a table. You have a list of what each card represents. For example, a five would be a Never Have I Ever card. So, how to play is everyone sits around the table or whatever playing surface they have laid the cards down on. Someone draws the first card. They do whatever is associated with that card. For example, if they drew the five. They then have to confess something they have never done. If anyone else has done this, they must then drink. There are a variety of ways you can play this; Google Sociables for more ideas.
Party Games:
As previously mentioned, what I consider party games are those such as Cards Against Humanity, What Do You Meme?, and Apples to Apples. These games are meant to play with at least four players to make it interesting. Cards Against Humanity is probably the most well known at this point. For those who don’t know, it is a game where you begin with one person as the reader. They grab a card out of a specific deck and read it aloud. Once read, anyone who is not a reader will then put an answer they think fits with the question, or more likely, is outrageously hilarious and gives it to the reader face down. The reader then shuffles the cards so they do not know who submitted which card. They then read all the cards submitted aloud and pick their favourite. The person with the best card (according to the reader) wins that round. Play continues to the left. You can play until you run out of cards or stop at a certain point. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Card games are highly enjoyable and extremely entertaining, no matter what type you prefer. We at Parkway Custom Board Games Limited are working hard on a new design for an interesting concept on a card game. The possibilities are nearly endless as we wanted to create an immersive experience. We currently only have horror card game, but will work on more family friendly ones in the future.
Please reach out to info@parkwaycustomboardgame.com if you have any questions or comments for us. We would love to hear from you! Follow us on Facebook or on YouTube.